Absent Fatherline : Disconnection starts and ends here

If you want to grow a backbone and become an open-hearted dependable man, reclaim your belonging to your Fatherline. I’ve seen them too often. Men who are shakable, wavering, and when pushed by adversity or challenged by their wives, they disappear emotionally. Or explode. There is nothing substantial about them. There is no presence. No…

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Metamorphosis or die

Men’s midlife : A feminine portal of radical transformation There are three portals of feminine (internal, embodied) transformation in a man’s life. The first obviously is birth. Regardless of the current controversy, every man-born human has been created by a biological woman. The second is mid-life. Somewhere between 38 and 46, you will experience a…

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Men. You are Worthy

It’s a big theme, the issue of men’s worthlessness. It’s a crusted layer of emotional chain mail over most middle-aged men’s hearts. It rears up as soon as men feel the safety and sanctuary of a men’s circle. It can release looking like denial, anger or resistance, but most of the time, it unleashes with…

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